Activated charcoal vietnam

Date Submitted: 23/10/2018View: 2,932

    As we know activated carbon is activated in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment with very high temperatures from a wide variety of materials.  However, charcoal charcoal products are always the favorite and most welcome.

    Activated charcoal produced from any material?

    gáo dua lam than hoat tinh

    Production of activated carbon by coconut shells

    Through a lot of research and experiments, we find carbon content in coconut shells very high.  Therefore, coconut shells is a very suitable material to make activated carbon.  On the other hand, Vietnam is a highly valued country with high coconut production in addition to India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines...

    Understanding the value of coconut shells and partially wanting to make use of natural ingredients to make clean products for life, Active coal companies in Vietnam are very active in the production of activated carbon from coconut shells.

    With the application of modern production technology and the most abundant raw materials, activated charcoal from coconut shells will be a very potential product not only in the domestic market but also  the whole world.

    Method of producing activated carbon from coconut shells in Vietnam

    quy trinh nung gao dua

    Coconut shells process - Photos


    In order to produce activated carbon products from coconut shells, it is necessary to follow the following procedures:

    Step 1:

    Collect coconut shells from large coconut production facilities to save time and money

    Step 2:

    After gathering coconut shells collected together began to burn coconut shells in the cellar to obtain coconut shells

    Step 3 :

    Process coconut shell charcoal into 3x6 and 4x8 form and continue into huge furnaces.  Carry out coal activation at temperatures of 950-1110 degrees Celsius. After activation at a certain time will produce products activated carbon coconut shells extremely quality.

    What is activated charcoal Vietnam used for?

    1. Adsorbed toxins, detoxifying the body

    Due to the structure of many tiny pores, activated carbon is easy to absorb other organic substances by sticking at the molecular level.  Unfortunately, food poisoning will bring activated carbon into the gastrointestinal tract to attract toxins and chemicals.  This does not harm your body, but when your loved one is poisoned the best way is to take it to the medical facilities to be treated by doctors in time.

    2. Activated carbon to filter water and air

    Most of the water purifiers in Vietnam contain activated carbon in filters to help remove impurities in the water, helping to clean our water.
    In addition, activated carbon can also purify the air in areas where the environment is not healthy or polluted.

    3. Help brighten teeth

    A very popular application of activated carbon is the ability to whiten teeth, remove stubborn plaque on the teeth.  You can combine activated charcoal powder with toothpaste to have a higher effect, helping your teeth whiter brighter.

    4. Application as a respirator of activated carbon

    Normally, activated carbon usually has small particles or black powder, the contact surface area of ​​the coal is very large.  Therefore, when exposed to gases or liquids, because of the large surface area, activated carbon can absorb a wide variety of molecules.  As a result, using activated charcoal as a respirator is a means of coping with the majority of poisons.

    Which company produces active charcoal Vietnam prestige?

    Currently, activated carbon Vietnam has been exported a lot through the world such as Japan, America, European countries.  .  and get very good feedback on the quality.  Leading in the field of activated carbon production in Vietnam, our Global Activated Carbon Company is committed to providing our customers with quality products and competitive prices in Vietnam.

    cong ty san xuat than hoat tinh toan cau

    Global Activated Carbon Company - photos


    In addition, to visit the company, you will be visiting the largest production base in Vietnam with the most modern equipment.  In addition, you will be consulted by our staff dedicated to your needs and purpose of using activated carbon.

    Contact details:


    Address: Number 15; 144/2 - Quan Nhan - Nhan Chinh Thanh Xuan - Ha Noi.

    Phone number: 0988082723

    Fax: 0103070746


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