Coconut shell activated carbon and applications in life
1. What is coconut shell activated carbon
Coconut shell activated carbon is a product whose main components are Carbon in amorphous form, made from old, dry coconut shell shells, high hardness and humidity usually not exceeded 15%. In order to create quality activated coconut shell charcoal products, the raw materials will have to undergo two main processes: coalization and activation in huge furnaces with huge temperatures that can reach thousands of degrees Celsius.activated carbon is generally a component substances mainly in the form of amorphous carbon, some other crystalline graphite chips. The biggest advantage of activated carbon compared to conventional coal is that they have a huge contact surface area thanks to the hollow fiber molecular structure consisting of many tiny pores.
Therefore, activated carbon is a product capable of adsorbing very well impurities, dirt and is applied a lot in the fields of water purification, air purification, medicine, beauty. that ordinary coal does not have.

Activated carbon coconut shells finished products
On the other hand, Vietnam is one of the countries with the largest coconut growing area in the world together with Myanmar, India, etc. Therefore, promoting the production of activated carbon from coconut shell is a strategy. extremely good economic development to take advantage of valuable resources that are still wasted.
2. Production process of coconut shell activated carbon
To produce high-quality coconut shell activated carbon products with good adsorption capacity, coconut shell material needs to undergo two main processes: coalization and activation.
Coconut shell activated carbon production process - Artwork
2.1. Coconut shell charcoal charcoal process
- Preparation of raw materials: Selection of raw materials is quite important to decide the quality of the product. Typically, the selected material must be dry coconut shells, high hardness and humidity not exceeded 15%. Raw materials will be synthesized from coconut gardens, houses or coconut processing plants, ... after gathering the coconut shells, they will conduct a classification to select the best quality coconut shells to produce coal. Coconut shell activated carbon.
- Preparation of the kiln: The coconut shell furnace usually has very high heat levels of 400 - 500 degrees Celsius and is carried out by burning method. After checking the satisfactory heat, we will start the process of charcoal coconut coalsification
- After carefully preparing the ingredients and the kiln will start pouring coconut shells into the smoke box, each batch of 60 - 100 kg of material. By heating the material at such a high temperature, it will completely remove the steam contained in the coconut shell and retain the characteristic black carbon. Usually each batch of charcoal coconut shell charcoal will have time from 50 - 60 minutes.
2.2. Activation of coconut shell charcoal
- Prepare an activating furnace with the temperature from 800 - 950 degrees C, need to adjust the temperature to the required level before proceeding with the coal activation process. If the temperature check is not satisfactory, fuel should be supplied to the furnace.
- After the kiln is ready, the finished coconut shell charcoal will be put in to activate with steam to become the coconut shell activated carbon. The reactive reaction in the furnace will take place as follows: Cn + H2O = Cn-1 + H2 + CO - O
- If the activation process is slow (low temperature) will create coal with pores with small diameter, this coal has good gas adsorption capacity. Conversely, if the temperature in the furnace is high, the activation process takes place quickly will produce coal with an average hole of 15 - several hundred A0, this activated coconut shell charcoal will have the ability to filter water, remove color and adsorb Very good impurity.
3. Advantages of coconut shell activated carbon
There have been many studies of Scient showing that for every 2 mg of activated coconut shell charcoal will have the surface area of contact equivalent to the area of a standard football stadium. In addition, due to the structure of many pores, porous inside, the ability to adsorb coal impurities very well, they are often applied to filter water, household air or sewage treatment in the areas. industrial, factory, factories, ..on the other hands, activated charcoal made from coconut shells have very stable hardness helps transportation process becomes convenient without fear of splintering or loss. Thanks to this feature, the product is applied a lot in wastewater treatment systems, industrial emissions, where there is strong flow.
The ash content in coconut shell activated carbon is very low, so the quality control of the product is also very simple. When shopping, try dropping a charcoal ball into a glass of water, if the glass shows strong bubbles and the water is not cloudy, it's activated carbon of good quality. On the other hand, if the water is cloudy and there is no bubbling, the product may be activated charcoal.
4. Specifications of coconut shell activated carbon

The basic dang of activated coconut shell charcoal
4.1. Physical indicators
- Moisture: Maximum 3 - 5%
- Ash (Ash): Up to 3%
- Intensity (Hardness): 95% minimum
- PH: From 8 - 11
- Flash point: Above 4500 ℃
- Color: characteristic charcoal black
- Density at 250 ℃: 0.440 - 0.600 g / ml
4.2. Chemical indicators
- Iodine index: 900-1000 mg / g
- Methylene Blue: 130-170ml / g
- Benzene: 22-33%
4.3. Standard particle size
- size 4 - 8 mesh (2.38mm - 4.75mm).
- size 6 - 12 mesh (1.40mm - 3.35mm).
- size 8 - 20 mesh (0.85mm - 2.38mm).
- size 8 - 30 mesh (0.50mm - 2.38mm).
- size 10 -32 mesh (0.50mm - 1.70mm).
- size 12 -40 mesh (0.35mm - 1.41mm).
- size 24 -48 mesh (0.30mm - 0.71mm).
- size 30 -60 mesh (0.25mm - 0.50mm).
5. Application of coconut shell activated carbon
- Filter water, remove dirt, impurities, dirt in water and heavy metals such as iron, zinc, ... in domestic water, especially well water
- Clean and dissolve organic substances in water, deodorize and taste, especially industrial wastewater containing toxic organic molecules or molecules with high surface stability that prevent the processing biological.
- An effective method to remove excess chlorine from water, suitable for reducing the residual chlorine remaining in the clean water system of clean water plants.
- Filtering alcohol, filtering alcohol, eliminating toxins in alcohol, reducing aldehydes
- Used in many industries: oil, chemicals, gold smelting, ..
- As a raw material for the production of poisonous face in military, medical, ..
- Used extensively to filter aquarium water, aquaculture helps pets ward off disease
6. Distinguishing coconut shell activated carbon with regular coal
Because coconut shell charcoal and coconut shell activated carbon have many similar characteristics, it will be difficult for consumers to distinguish which activated charcoal is. Therefore, there have been many shops and establishments selling activated coconut shell charcoal at low prices and advertising them with many of the same effects as activated charcoal.However, when using these coal in water filtration and deodorizing, the effectiveness is very low and directly affects the health of consumers.
On the other hand, this action not only makes users lose confidence in the product but also causes controversy about the price of activated carbon, causing confusion when used.For the exact price of activated carbon, please refer to the latest price quote of 2019 of the activated carbon production company Global.
The following are simple ways to distinguish the quality activated coconut shell charcoal that we want to share to you:
6.1. Try coal with water
With activated carbon products activated according to the standard, the ash content is often very low, so when the cup of water will not appear cloudy or dissolved coal. In addition, the water in the cup will have very strong bubbling. The longer the foaming time is, the more effervescent the product is of the higher quality and vice versa.6.2. Try coal by fire
As mentioned above, activated carbon is the product that has been activated at very high temperatures so they have extremely good fire resistance and are very difficult to burn. Therefore, to test the quality of the product, using fire is also a simple but very effective way.If activated charcoal is very difficult to burn, conversely, if it has not been activated charcoal, when using fire to bait coal will easily catch fire. Typically, these products are just charcoal or coconut shell charcoal used to provide heat but not highly effective in water filtration, odor like coconut shell activated carbon.
6.3. Check conductivity

How to check the quality activated carbon
7. Coconut shell activated carbon is the best place to buy
Activated carbon is a clean and indispensable material in today's life. Therefore, there have been many establishments and business addresses taking advantage of customers' ignorance to mix low-quality, unactivated coal products and sell them to customers for profit.As a smart consumer, you should look to buy products at reputable business shops or companies producing activated coconut shell charcoal in Vietnam. A fairly reliable address that you can refer to is the company activated carbon production Global.
As a company with 10 years of experience in manufacturing and supplying activated carbon in Vietnam, when there is a need to buy activated carbon This is the address that many consumers trust.Come to the company, you will buy cheap coconut shell charcoal drawing products specialized for water purification, deodorizing, dehumidifying, etc.
Currently, society is growing so health problems are always top concern. Therefore, the choice of using natural products for life is priorit being prioritized. Therefore, coconut shell activated carbon will always be the first choice to help us have clean water sources for daily life and use.
Above is all the information and application of coconut shell activated carbon that we want to send to you. Hopefully, this article will help you better understand the product to know how to distinguish real coal, fake coal and use the product most effectively.

Granular activated carbon is used a lot in applications of water filtration, water treatment, waste water, .. Let's learn about granular activated carbon through the article below!

Global Activated Carbon Joint Stock Company would like to greet our customers and partners. In order to make it easier for customers to capture information, in this article, we would like to share with you basic information about activated carbon and applications in daily life and industrial applications. Karma.

Using activated charcoal to whiten teeth is a very popular trend. So this method is really effective and safe for your teeth. Please see the article below to testify

Activated charcoal Vietnam is a very popular item in the world. Why is that so? Please refer to the article for more information on activated carbon in Vietnam